Art, Design and Media

Art, Design & Media

Art, design and media

Sector information

Art, design and media careers cover a wide range of disciplines.

From graphic design to dance, animation to textiles, film to fine art; a career in the Arts sector can be a diverse and creative career path to choose. Having an eye for detail is a must for all jobs in the sector, as well as the ability to work to tight deadlines.

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Transferable skills

Though careers in Art, Media and Design covers some of the widest range of disciplines in any job sector, there are some skills that are transferrable throughout.


Clear and concise communication skills are essential for a career in any creative industry. Communicating with customers, clients and partners on projects will be a regular part of your day to day processes. 

Attention to detail

Creative jobs require a high level of concentration and dedication. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure the best results.

Time management & organisation

As with many careers, time management and organisation skill are important, especially so in art, design and media industries. Working to specific and time sensitive deadlines is a regular requirement and making sure that you are efficiently organising your time can really help further your productivity.

Find a Job

Interested in a career in the creative and design sectors?

The National Careers Service has a wealth of information about how to locate a career in Arts, Media and Design.

Find details about what it takes to enter the field, what you'll do, what your estimated salary would be and more.

Click the link below to find out now.

National Careers Service

Apprenticeship information

Though apprenticeships in the arts, design and media sectors are not as common as in other sectors, there are some useful resources to help you try to find your next opportunity.

The website has a collection of searchable apprenticeships across all sectors. Search

*While we do our best to make sure the resources listed here are up to date, course providers change frequently and as such, the information may not be current.


Training information

*While we do our best to make sure the resources listed here are up to date, course providers change frequently and as such, the information may not be current.

Bolton College

Bolton College provide several courses tailored to those looking to develop creative skills.

Art, Design & Media - Young Persons

Art, Design & Media - Adults

University of Bolton

The University of Bolton is a premiere institution for art, design and media higher learning. They offer a wide selection of courses tailored to many different careers in the creative arts.

Art & Design and Fine Art

Animation & Illustration

Games Design

Graphic Design

Media & Photography

Theatre & Performing Arts

Visual FX - TV and Film