DES Alerts

DES Alerts

DES Alerts

DES provision and activity alerts

The Digital, Employment and Skills team receive and compile the latest job, learning and skills and training provision opportunities in Bolton and add them to our DES email alerts so you can see what is available for your clients and service users.

To receive a weekly summary reminder email of the latest opportunities, sign up for DES alerts

Promoting a learning and skills or training opportunity

If you are an organisation providing free learning and skills opportunities funded by the Adult Education Budget, we can promote your opportunities free of charge. A weekly email newsletter is sent out to a mailing list of local partners to highlight the latest opportunities and direct them to the DES website to see the full detail of upcoming opportunities. To submit your opportunity please complete this online form. Forms submitted by 5pm on Monday will be included in the week's alerts which are sent out to a subscribed list of partner organisations who work directly with people who will benefit from accessing the opportunities. 

Alerts feedback 

We need your feedback We are always looking for ways to improve our DES Alerts. If you have any feedback, please email

Partner information
